Even if you're staying at home, you can still be enjoying nature. Whether in an apartment or a house, a townhouse, or a condo, you can still breathe some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors. We made a Nature Bingo challenge to help you (and your kids) enjoy being outside while we all socially distance! Check it out:
Even if you're staying at home, you can still be enjoying nature. Whether in an apartment or a house, a townhouse, or a condo, you can still breathe some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors. We made a Nature Bingo challenge to help you (and your kids) enjoy being outside while we all socially distance! Check it out:
Explore the great outdoors with Nature Bingo! Fall is a great time to visit a local park or preserve, go on a hike, or simply enjoy some time in your own backyard. These printable nature bingo cards will encourage you to be on the lookout for unique things around you when you are out exploring! To get started, print as many cards as you want. Bingo card with Water or a rain cloud., A trash can or recycling bin., A nest burrow, or other animal home. (Leave it alone.), A group of ants. (Are they carrying food?), A plant eater, like a deer or bunny., A very sunny spot., A shady plant., A person or pet who is exercising., A path or fence. Amazon's Choice for nature bingo. Gofindit - Outdoor Nature Scavenger Hunt Card Game for Families. 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,094. Get it as soon as Thu. Enjoy your favorite game with a fun, nature twist! Soak up the sunshine or trek through the snow while exploring nature in your own backyard with our nature-themed bingo. Just download the bingo card and instructions to get started!
That's not the only way you can enjoy nature while staying in. The Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area's Junior Ranger Activity Booklet can be downloaded online! This booklet guides you through the nature and history of the National Heritage Area, and can be completed at home. Email us when you're finished, and we can send you a Junior Ranger Badge.
Nature Bingo
You can also explore your family's history with our History Harvest At Home program. Try collecting some of those old items – photographs, heirlooms, and keepsakes – and discover the story behind each one. If you'd like, you can send your story to us when you're ready. We'd love to hear from you!